Monday, January 27, 2020
Sociological Study Of Womens Perception Towards Dowry Essay
Sociological Study Of Womens Perception Towards Dowry Essay Dowry has been an integral aspect of traditional arranged Hindu marriage. Over hundreds of years the dowry term has evolved from the ceremonial and voluntary gift giving to the brides family in a form of monetary extortion demanded by the grooms family. Tradition dowry means denoted gifts of kanyatana such as precious itens like expensive cloths give to both the bide and grooms family during the time of marriage The practice was derived from the high cultural and spiritual merit accorded to gift givers and gift giving in the Vedas and other Hindu literature. Dowry was originally used as a means to both sanctify material wealth and enhance social status in marriage. In modern sense dowry has reflect a change in the system such that the presentation of gifts no longer remains a voluntary process. In Indo pak brides families are often compelled to provide dowry in the name of gift giving and evaluated in terms of total cash value.Grooms family have a high socioeconomic status so they de mand the dowry. The modern practice of dowry is characterized by a shift from voluntary to forced gift giving as well as the primary role of the grooms family in determining the demand for gifts from the brides family. It is understood that the term dowry is a broad reference to the totality of assets transferred from the brides family to the grooms at the time of a marriage. The transfers of dowry is characterize by three steps: which is First the property transfer to the bride, Second, there are those gifts that continue to be part of the ceremonial aspect of the marriage and symbolize union between the two families. These would be matched by reciprocal gifts of equal value from the grooms family. Thirdly there are those assets that can be called marriage payments An economically it is this final aspect that constitutes the actual significant economic cost of dowry for a brides family, and is perhaps the most costly among the three aspects of the dowry The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is riddled by contrasts in almost every sector. It is characterized by a selective male friendly interpretation of the prominent religion Islam and elitist friendly application of laws. Being a part of the patriarchal belt of South Asia, the culture, family and society is patriarchal. Although recent entry of elected women representatives in the parliament and local bodies are being used as an instrument to make believe that women are empowered in Pakistan, the fact is that empowerment ( social, economic, political and legal) for most of the Pakistani women and disadvantaged communities in Pakistan is yet a distant dream. However, a number of efforts are underway to promote participation of women in all areas of development. There is also a growing attention by the current government to gender issues including violence that experienced political marginalization in previous democratic as well as military regimes. The visible outcome of such efforts which to date are limited to candid media, generous discourse and ceremonial gestures has yet to come. The country, today, like most other countries round the globe is facing the phenomenon of gender based violence. In the recent years, whenever and wherever, one speaks of gender violence and Pakistan or Pakistani communities outside Pakistan; one cannot recall any other form of violence but Honor Killing or the plight of Mukhtaran Mai. Media, especially western media have created hype on these. The net result of these associations is the convenient forgetfulness, by the Governments, Media, NGOs and other stake holders of the commonest form of gender violenc e in Pakistani; that is Dowry violence. Dowry violence is a culturally accepted; media generated and legally sanctioned form of violence, yet to be recognized as the most pertinent Pakistani gender issue by development activists in Pakistan. Pakistani Muslims have embraced the dowry system as a tradition and cultural practice due to the Indianization of Islam in the subcontinent. While working with Christian Youth in the slums of Islamabad that there was exposed to the fact that the curse of dowry has plagued this community and class as well and interestingly they owe this influence to their Muslim friends and neighbours.Despite 59 years of independence there is no sign and signal of discarding this system which over the years has graduated from a custom to an institution. Dowry is no longer a set of gift items meant for contributing towards a convenient start of the practical life of a newly married couple. Lavish and loud marriages, designers items studded bride, bridegroom and ot her family members, many course meals etc. all stand for the dowry system .In a country where a vast majority of population lives below poverty line and is devoid of basic human needs like water, sanitation, electricity. Health and education the growing trend of such Exhibiting Marriages is adding to the miseries of the not so privileged and creation of the lesser God. Dowry System causes a number of psychological and emotional traumas and ethical challenges by causing delayed marriages, marriage with inept person/elderly person, threats, taunts and torture of greedy in-laws and husband, and financial crises. In some parts of Pakistan, girls are wed with Quran so that family wealth and property can be safeguarded. It is almost imperative for Pakistani women as sisters to give up their inheritance rights in favor of their brothers. Dowry and expenses on marriage are frequently used explanations for the denial of right of inheritance to women. There are certain tribes and clans in the province of NWFP and Baluchistan where boys have to pay for the bride. If they cannot pay the right Bridal Price they cannot get married. This practice itself qualifies as a separate research entity. On the other hand the Bride who is sold is treated as a property and is entitled to be sold further. An interesting and innovative response to the question of limiting marriage expenses that has come from some welfare oriented Pakistani NGOs and welfare wings of certain Religious groups and public departments in the recent years is the phenomenon of Mass Weddings. There is no doubts in the good faith of the planners and implementers of such weddings It cannot endorse this kind of way out. This solution besides carrying transparency issues (for instance how the eligible couples are selected, what is the actual expense etc.) and compromises on the individual self esteem are in fact endorsing the custom and institution of dowry (Rakhshinda, 2006) Keeping in mind these points the present study will be conducted to investigate the following objectives. To check the role of dowry in the success or failure of marital adjustment. To study the perception of women towards the dowry practices. To give possible suggestions for the solution of this problem. V. REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Bloch and Rao (2001) Estimated how domestic violence may be used as an instrument to extract larger transfers from a spouses family. It is based on a case-study of three villages in Southern India, that combines qualitative and survey data. Based on the ethnographic evidence, they develop a non-cooperative bargaining and signaling model of dowries and domestic violence. The estimation from these models were tested with survey data. This study showed that women who payed smaller dowries suffer an increased risk of marital violence, as do women who come from richer families. Maristella and Aloysius(2002) Showed that when married daughters leave their parents home and their married brothers do not, altruistic parents provide dowries for daughters and gifts for sons in order to meet a free riding problem between their married sons and daughters. The study has estimation on the form of the dowry contract, the exclusion of daughters from bequests, and the decline of dowries in previously dowry giving societies. These estimation are consistent with historical evidence from ancient Near Eastern civilizations, ancient Greece, Roman and Byzantine empires, western Europe from 500 to 1500 AD, the Jews from antiquity to the Middle Ages, Arab Islam from 650 AD to modern times, China, Japan, medieval and Renaissance Tuscany, early-modern England, modern Brazil, North America, and contemporary India Terilt (2002) argued that marriages in traditional societies often include a transfer between the involved parties. In some societies, a transfer is made from the groom to the family of bride (a brideprice), while in others it goes from the bride to the groom (dowry). Researcher investigated whether differences in the type of marriages that are allowed can account for these observations The model has several other interesting implications that are in line with what is san in the data. Pologyny leads to a larger difference in age between husbands and wives, a younger marriage age for women, and higher fertility. Siwan (2003) concluded that in contrast to most dowry-oriented societies in which payments have declined with modernization, those in India have undergone significant inflation over the last five decades. He explained the difference between these two experiences by focusing on the role played by caste. The theoretical model contrasts caste- and non-caste-based societies: in the former, there exists an inherited component to status (caste) that is independent of wealth, and in the latter, wealth is the primary determinant of caste. Modernization is assumed to involve two components: increasing average wealth and increasing wealth dispersion within caste groups. He further showed that, in caste based societies, the increases in wealth dispersion that accompany modernization necessarily lead to increases in dowry payments, whereas in non-caste-based societies, increased dispersion has no real effect on dowry payments and increasing average wealth causes the payments to decline. Luciana et al (2004) estimated that in recent years, dowry levels have risen to previously unforeseen levels. Among Hindus in north India dowry can amount to three or four times a familys total assets. Among Muslims in Bangladesh and Hindus in south India, dowry has become commonplace whereas the practice did not exist a generation ago. The institution of dowry has been widely criticized, socially maligned, and legally banned. Some recent economic writings suggest that dowry functions as a bequest or pre-mortem inheritance, implying it persists because it is good for the bride. Using panel data from an adolescent study in rural Bangladesh, he explored the association between dowry and the prevalence of domestic abuse to test the bequest theory of dowry. They found that, contrary to the prediction of the bequest theory, married females who paid dowry at marriage have a higher likelihood of reporting domestic violence compared to those who did not. In addition, the relation between dow ry and abuse is highly level-specific: respondents who paid small dowries report much higher levels of abuse than those who paid large dowries. In fact, paying no dowry is just as protective, if not more so, in terms of preventing abuse as the largest dowry payments. Anderson (2004) concluded that laws restricting dowries have existed in most societies where these transfers have occurred. Central to the policy debates is the actual role of the dowry payment. It is typically believed that intervention is required when dowries serve as a price for marriage (groom price), but not when dowries are means of endowing daughters with some financial security (pre-mortem inheritance). He developed a simple matching model of marriage which integrates the two different roles for dowry. It is demonstrated that when modernization occurs, dowry payments can evolve from a pre-mortem inheritance into a groom price. The model generated implications which empirically distinguish the two different motives. The predictions are tested using recent data from Pakistan, where dowry legislation is currently an active policy issue. This investigation concludes that, in urban areas the payment is serving as a groom price, instead of the traditional pre-mortem inheritance to women. However, his study showed that this is not such a large concern in rural areas. Geirbo and Imam (2006) concluded that much of what is written about dowry focuses on the harmful aspects. He argued that in order to target dowry as a social problem, we need to know more about why people continue the practice. It gives an overview of the transactions connected to wedding and divorce before it explores the motivations people have for giving and taking dowry. In the end, it is discussed how this rationality meets the rationality of the government and NGOs in the local interpretation and use of legislation and in the use of microcredit. Security is found to be the main motivation for giving dowry. A paid dowry gives a hope that the daughter will be treated well in her in-laws house. Because dowry is connected to Mohr, it also gives a security in case of divorce. However, a paid dowry does not give women entitlements towards her in-laws, only a hope that they will treat her well. Also, womens entitlement to Mohr depends on payment of dowry as well as her performance as a wife. Men, on the other hand, are perceived as having unquestioned entitlement to dowry. This imbalance is seen as being connected to a perception of women as being vulnerable to physical and social risk as well as representing a threat to their family and community. In conclusion it is recommended that instead of targeting dowry directly, advocacy efforts would gain from targeting the causes behind the motivations for giving and taking dowry. Reducing the risk factors that make married status and dowry crucial for women is a way to combat the practice. One way to do this is by implementing livelihood programmers for adolescent girls. Apart from this, the prevailing gender ideology has to be challenged systematically among both girls and boys from an early age. The monograph is based on qualitative research in Domar under Nilphamari district in Bangladesh. Babur (2007) concluded that dowry system is another form of social and traditional practice whose consequences result direct violence of women. There is hardly any family in Pakistan un which this dowry system is not followed. Not a signal day passes without dowry death and torture women. News papers are full of stories torture of women who bring in sufficient dowry. Unable to bear the torched, some brides are forced to commit suicide and some are burnt alive under the cover of stove deaths, which is also called bride burning in which women are burn alive after being covered with kerosene oil. Afzal (2007) estimated an equation explaining the determinates of dowry they address a very common socio economic problem for subcontinent, the problem of dowry from a social planers respective, whom wants to reduce overall dowry transfer, they consider the effect of change in a few relevant parameters like husband height, wife height wet land dry land, year of marriage and years of education, for woman and men on these decision. According to the various studies the dowry phenomenon is exist heavily in rural subcontinent, at the same time research related to the system is very rare. The aim of his study to estimate an equation explaining the determinant of dowry. Several interpretation of dowry is distinguished using a simple theoretical frame work and the prediction of this model are tested. Using the data provide them for this project is tested and reliable so that they will be able to draw their won testable relationships and determinant of dowry. His study suggested even though t here are religious and cultural differences, the system of dowry in Pakistan appears to be for the same reason as in India. A theoretical frame work was developed that was inclusive of the required variable by testing through the multiple regression analyses and the experimental findings shows the independent variable use to test have an impact on dowry by applying multiple regression step wise method. Arunachalamy and Loganz (2008) concluded that dowries have been modeled as pre-mortem bequests to daughters or as groom-prices paid to in-laws. These two classes of models yield mutually exclusive predictions, but empirical tests of these predictions have been mixed. We draw from historical evidence that suggests a bifurcated marriage market, in which some households use dowries as a bequest and others use dowries as a price. The competing theories of dowry allow us to structure an exogenous switching regression that places households in the price or bequest regime. The empirical strategy allows for multiple checks on the validity of regime assignment. Using retrospective marriage data from rural Bangladesh, we evidence of het- erogeneity in dowry motives; that bequest dowries have declined in prevalence and amount over time; and that bequest households are better o_ compared to price households on a variety of welfare measures. Attila et al (2008) suggested that existing theoretical and empirical research on dowries has difficulty accounting for the large changes in dowry levels observed in many countries over the past few decades. To explain trends in dowry levels in Bangladesh, they draw attention to an institutional feature of marriage contracts previously ignored in the literature: the mehr or traditional Islamic bride price, which functions as a prenuptial agreement in Bangladesh due to the default practice of being only payable upon divorce. We develop a model of marriage contracts in which mehr serves as a barrier to husbands exiting marriage and a component of dowry is an amount that extant compensates the groom for the cost of mehr. The contracts are welfare-improving because they induce husbands to internalize the social costs of divorce for women. We investigate how mehr and dowry respond to exogenous changes in the costs of polygamy and divorce, and show that our model gives a different set of p redictions than traditional models of dowry payments without contractible mehr. To test the models predictions empirically, we use data collected on marriage contracts between 1956 and 2004 from a large household survey from the Northwest region of the country, and make use of key changes in Muslim Family Law in 1961 and 1974. They showed that major changes in dowry levels took place precisely after the legal changes, corresponding to simultaneous changes in levels of mehr. Sarwat and Imtiaz (2009) concluded that the focus of this study is to estimate an equation explaining the determinants of dowry. In this paper, they address a very common socio-economic problem for sub-continent, the problem of dowry. From a social planners perspective, who wants to reduce overall dowry transfers, they consider the effect of change in a few relevant parameters like husband height, wife height, wet land, dry land, years of marriage and years of education for women men on these decisions. According to the various studies the dowry phenomenon is exist heavily in rural sub-continent, at the same time research related to this system is very rare. The aim of this study is to estimate an equation explaining the determinants of dowry. Several interpretations for dowry are distinguished using a simple theoretical framework and the predictions of this model are tested. Using the data provided us for this project is tested and reliable so that we will be able to draw our own t estable relationships and determinants of dowry. The data will be use in the following sections for further analysis by estimating the determinants of dowry using multiple regression analysis. The study suggests that even though there are religious and cultural differences, the system of dowry in Pakistan appears to be for the same reasons as in India. A theoretical framework was developed that was inclusive of all the required variables by testing through the multiple regression analysis and the experimental findings shows the independent variable used to test have an impact on dowry by applying multiple regression step-wise method. Laura et al (2009) concluded that significant amounts of wealth have been exchanged as part of marriage settlements throughout history. Although various models have been proposed for interpreting these practices, their development over time has not been investigated systematically. In this study they use a Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic comparative approach to reconstruct the evolution of two forms of wealth transfers at marriage, dowry and bride wealth, for 51 Indo-European cultural groups. Results indicate that dowry is more likely to have been the ancestral practice, and that a minimum of four changes to bride wealth is necessary to explain the observed distribution of the two states across the cultural groups. Review of literature explained that a large number of women faced many dowry problems including that psychological, social and economical factors common in our society. This is more serious issue in our Pakistan. I am going to explore a sociological study women perception towards dowry in urban areas of Tehsil D.G.Khan. VII MATERIAL AND METHODS: The main objective of methodology is to explain various tools and techniques apply for a data collection, data analysis and interpretation of data related to research problem. According to Nachmias and Nachmias (1992) the scientific methodology is a system of explicit rules and procedures upon which research is based and against which the claims for knowledge are evaluate. The aim of present study will be to explore the causes of dowry such as social, economical, political , legal and their impact of dowry at marriage in our society. The universe of study will be Tehsil D.G.Khan (District Dera Ghazi Khan). A sample of one hundred and fifty females will be selected from five urban councils through simple random sampling technique. Respondents will be interviewed by using a well structured questionnaire. Ten respondents will be pre-tested to check and examine the workability of questionnaire. Data will be analyzed through appropriate statistical technique by using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), Univariate and bivariate analysis will be carried out and obtained information will be present in form of M.Sc thesis. VII. LITERATURE CITED: Attila. A, Erica. F, Maximo. T.2008. Muslim family law, prenuptial agreements and the emergence of dowry in Bangladesh,Harvard University. Arunachalamy.R, Loganz. T.2008.On the Heterogeneity of Dowry Motives. Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, and National Bureau of Economic Research. Anderson.S.2004. Should dowries be banned? Department of Economics, University of British Columbia. Bloch .F, Rao.V.2001. Terror as a Bargaining Instrument: A Case-Study of Dowry Violence in Rural India.1-25 Geirbo. H, Imam. N.2006. The Motivations Behind Giving and Taking Dowry. BRAC,Research and evaluation division Dhaka. Bangladesh. Page 1-36 Luciana. S, Sajada. A, Lopita. H, Kobita. C.2004. Does Dowry Improve Life for Brides? A Test of the Bequest Theory of Dowry in Rural Bangladesh. Population council No.195. Laura.F, Clare. H, Ruth .M.2009. From bridewealth to dowry? A bayesian estimation of ancestral states of marriage transfers in indoeuropean groups. Department of anthropology, university college london.1-34 Maristella. B, Aloysius. S. 2002. Why Dowries? Department of Economics, University of Toronto. Contributed papers 0200,Economic society.Page 1-47 Maristella. B, Aloysius .S.2002. Marriage Markets and Intergenerational Transfers in Comparative Perspective (Why Dowries?) Nachmias, C.F. and D. Nachmias. 1992. Research methods in the social sciences. Published by Edwards Arnold. A division of Hodder and Stoughton.London Rakhshinda, P.2006. Dowry: The most frequently forgotten form of gender violence in Pakistan. Gender based Violence. Sarwat ,A, Imtiaz, S; 2009. To estimate an equation explaining the determinants of dowry. Pakistan development review, vol.xii,No.1,48-61. Siwan. A.2003. Why Dowry Payments Declined with Modernization in Europe but Are Rising in India. [Journal of Political Economy, 2003, vol. 111, no. 2]. The University of Chicago. Tonushree, J. 2001. The Economics of Dowry: Causes and Effects of an Indian Tradition, copyright 2001 UAUJE. Htt:// monograph series No.28. Nachmias, C.F. and D. Nachmias. 1992. Research methods in the social sciences. Published by Edwards Arnold. A division of Hodder and Stoughton.London
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Value to Life
The Value to Life; Society vs. Self Today, our society assigns the value to human life based on which life is actually more appealing to them. In other words, society places a price tag on a manââ¬â¢s life. A person is judged by society on the value of their life based on certain factors and aspects that are irrelevant. People realize the true value to their lives when they are in encounter with situations that may take it away. And because the value of life is so precious, society should determine its value in different and better ways that appreciate its value.People put more value on their lives when they come close to knocking on the doors of death. For instance, those living withà terminal illnessesà like cancer, have a whole different perception of their life and all of life in general in comparison to someone who is living a completely healthy life. In his autobiography,à Lance Armstrongà said, ââ¬Å"When I was sick, I saw more beauty and triumph and truth in a sin gle day than I ever did in a bike race, but they were human moments, not miraculous ones. Lance Armstrong is one of the most successful and accomplished figures in the world, yet even to him, a day of simply living one more day means more than any of his accomplishments while living with cancer. Having everything may make one value their life in greater depth but the fear of losing that everything they have worked for makes them value it even more however. While a person may assign the value to their life based on the obstacles they have overcame and learned from, societyââ¬â¢s way of determining the value to a human life is not nearly as sensitive.Society assigns the value of life under the terms of which life is actually worth more in dollars. Its unfortunate but there are too many instances in life where one personââ¬â¢s life is considered with higher value than others simply because of what they have and what they are willing to show for it. I remember a time when a family member of mine was rushed to the emergency room only to be turned away because he did not have any medical insurance. Does that mean his life has less value than someone who does have life insurance?He deserved to be seen by a doctor just as much as the next with or without the papers. Or in another case scenario, a young rich blonde girl of a wealthy known family becomes kidnapped on the same day as a daughter of a drug addict in the projects, who would have more publicity in the search for their return? The blonde girlââ¬â¢s family has more money; therefore, can afford to pay their way to more publicity time, bestowing more value on her life.It is not something that you think of everyday, or is easily realized, but our society holds value on our life only through the materialistic things. For instance, after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, thousands of innocent lives were lost as a result. Due to the fact that there were so many families to compensate and to preven t the airlines from going out of business, the federal government enforced a limit on how much each family would receive in compensation.These numbers were given in an article called ââ¬Å"What Is a Life Worth? â⬠inà Time magazineà written by Amanda Ripley. ââ¬Å"First, the government will estimate how much a victim would have earned over his or her lifetime had the planes never crashed. That means a brokerââ¬â¢s family will qualify for a vastly higher award than a window washerââ¬â¢s family. â⬠This quote shows that in the eyes of society, the value of life is not equal because if that was the case, everyone affected from the crash would have received the same amount in compensation.The only difference between the broker and the window washer is how much money their bank account holds, but in this case, that is the only thing that matters in determining their value of life. When assigning the value of life, society overlooks the character of the person or wha t purpose they served in life. Since treating every man equal in America is something we try to abide our lives by, the value of someoneââ¬â¢s life should be determined on better terms.The value of someoneââ¬â¢s life should be determined by the merit that person has earned throughout their life. In the book of proverbs it states that ââ¬Å"We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less. â⬠According to this quote, a man must be treated on his worth which is something that he must earn since every man is given the same chances and opportunities not more or less than others.When people are born, they are all given equal chances, but the different circumstances that can occur in each personââ¬â¢s life along the way can determine who has the ability to overcome the obstacles, making that person earn a certain merit that decides the value to their life. In c onclusion, a personââ¬â¢s value of their own life is something that is overlooked at first. People do not realize that life is something that can be taken away so quickly that sometimes you cannot even grasp it. Life gains value when it is almost lost. When people have ragedies strike their lives, such as being diagnosed with a terminal disease, they realize how much life means to them because they feel the end approaching. They begin to realize that all their life, they have worked for something and just like that, it can be taken away. Our society plays a large role in how value is put on life. Society determines the value of life unfairly and none biased on the emotional aspects a life may pertain. Society judges a human life based on their materialistic earnings rather than their merit earnings. A rich manââ¬â¢s life is more valuable than a poor manââ¬â¢s under the rules of society.
Friday, January 10, 2020
How do writings stand the test of time? Essay
What people write and read depends upon what they are thinking and what they are doing. The literature of the period reflects varieties of interests. One of the offices of literature is to take the reader away from the duties that fill the day. But great literature does more than this: great literature enlarges the readerââ¬â¢s world. The short story must always be literary entertainment: it must be always interesting, attention-compelling, and diverting (Perez 13). But real value of short story lies in its significant statement or question about human beings, the world they live in, the rules and custom that govern their actions. Most of the great short stories of the twentieth century fall outside the category of escape literature. There are stories which studies in personality and character, pictures of diverse social conditions, considerations of the validity of social institutions, and presentation of moral problems ââ¬â all against a background of ordinary events (Perez 18). This paper takes off from the idea of famous critic Samuel Johnson, that literature can only endure the test of time ââ¬â if and only if it show and deal with situations and characters that are identifiable, which is somehow a part of us, that individuals to individuals commonly share across boundaries of time and place. This essay will therefore examine the particular works of Washington Irving (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow), O. Henry also known as William Henry Porter (The Third Ingredient) and Edgard Allan Poe (The Cask of Amontillado). To juxtapose the significance of these three essays in literature, all three short essays will be explore from the premise of literary critic Samuel Johnson; its quality to be regard as ââ¬Ëjust representation of general nature vis-a-vis least representation of commonly experience. Washington Irvingââ¬â¢s stands out as one of the very first American storytellers and humorists. Customs, manners, traditions and legends are the materials of his works. Washington Irving wrote about people. His famous work such as ââ¬ËThe Legend of Sleepy Hollowââ¬â¢ will carry the reader back where there is no great bridges which spanned the Hudson River, no highways followed the contours of its majestic curves, and no steamboats plied up and down its broad waters. ââ¬Å"From the listless repose of the place, and the peculiar character of its inhabitants, who are descendants from the original Dutch settlers, this sequestered glen has long been known by the name of SLEEPY HALLOW, and its rustic lads are called the Sleepy Hollow Boys throughout the neighboring country (Delgado 12). â⬠Irving introduce the reader to the early Dutch settlers on the banks of the Hudson, immediate descendants of the people who built the first homes, the first villages, who established the first churches and the first schools, in short, the people who began the transformation of a wilderness into the settled and civilized country we know today. ââ¬Å"His schoolhouse was a low building of one large room, rudely constructed of logs: the windows partly glazed, and partly patched with leaves of old copybooks (Delgado 14). â⬠Much of that Irving has written about early life on the Hudson is true: the social life of the wealthy Dutch farmer, the role of the schoolmaster as teacher and local sage, life in the schoolroom ââ¬â these can be verified by research. Thus Irvingââ¬â¢s main interest was not in an accurate representations of the society of time does not detract from the charm and value of his work for modern readers. He represents a halfway point between writers who strove to beguile their American readers with elegant stories laid in Europe and later writers who found in the American scene and the common people of America sufficient beauty and strength for literary material. However, Irving had not entirely escaped from the traditional romanticism of his day is shown by his decorative treatment of Dutch village life on Hudson and his inclusion of the legend of the Headless Horseman. ââ¬Å"Such general purport of this legendary superstition, which has furnished materials for many a wild story in that region of shadows; and the specter is known, at all the country firesides, by the name of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow (Delgado 13). â⬠On the one hand, ââ¬ËThe Third Ingredientââ¬â¢ written by O. Henry, who was also one of the most admired short story writers for years and his pattern for short story was imitated by many other writers. Most of his short story is about ordinary American characters doing things that are typical of our ways of life. ââ¬Å"At six oââ¬â¢clock one afternoon Hetty Pepper came back to her third-floor rear $3. 50 room in the Vallambrosa with her nose and chin more sharply pointed that usual. To be discharged from the department store where you have been working four years, and with only fifteen cents in your purse, does have a tendency to make your features appear more finely chiseled (Ramon 46)â⬠The story reveals how a typical individual spends his/her day. It is so cliche that every individual can somehow relate to the story. The pattern of O. Henry story is this: background, characters, time, place and tone ââ¬â is deftly and vividly sketched. And event occurs that creates a problem. The action that arises from the problem and the background is built up to the climax. The story is concluded with a twist and snaps that is often a surprise ââ¬â but never a surprise that has not been carefully prepared for in the story. ââ¬Å"After he had tapped at the door and entered. Hetty begun to peel and wash the onion at the sink. She gave a gray look at the gray roofs outside and the smile on her face vanished by little jerks and twitches (Ramon 53). â⬠Edgard Allan Poe is famous for his impressionistic stories of terror and horror. He once said that the end of the story must be in the writerââ¬â¢s mind at the very beginning and that the first paragraph, the first sentence, must be a part of the preparation for the culmination. His impressionistic stories are famous for their predominant mood of terror and horror. ââ¬Å"At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled ââ¬â but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish but punish with impunity (Perez 102). â⬠He wrote horror stories and created the detective story. He is not concerned with moral lesson ââ¬â the horror stories which he created. Poe created a single effect, of terror or horror; while in his detective stories he presents cold and scientific solutions of crimes, not moral judgment on the criminals. Poe believed that there are three essentials for good short story. First: the story should be short enough to be read at one sitting. Next: plot, characters and setting should contribute to a single impression, oneness of effect. Third: nothing should be included which is not positive value in creating the oneness of effect. When you read the stories that follow notice that only those details which are important to the creating of the single effect are presented. ââ¬Å"A succession of loud and shell screams, bursting suddenly from the throat of the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back. For a brief moment I hesitated ââ¬â I trembled. Unsheathing my rapier, I began to grope with it about the recess; but the thought of an instant reassured me. I placed my hand upon the solid of the catacombs and felt satisfied. I re-approached the wall. I replied to the yells of him who clamored. I reechoed ââ¬â I aided ââ¬â I surpassed them in volume and in strength. I did this, and the clamorer grew still (Perez 104). â⬠I believe that Poe is an effective writer and poet nonetheless, his impressionistic style can somehow affect the quality of the story to be considered as ââ¬Ëjust representation of general nature. ââ¬â¢ However, the typicality of his short story ââ¬ËThe Cask of Amontilladoââ¬â¢ does not necessarily mean it is less effective ââ¬â the tale conforms to the laws of the three unities: unities of time, place and interest. The story needed a short time to complete the action of the story. And also the way every detail and every word contributed to its general effect. Reference Cited Delgado, Frank. Literature for Philippine High School. Philippines: Punlad Publishing House, 1989. Perez, Salvacion. Literature a Series of Anthologies. Philippines: St. Scholastica, 1995. Ramon, Antonio. Heritage of World Literature. Philippines: Punlad Publishing House, 1992.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Should Smoking Be Banned Public Places - 950 Words
One day I walk in to public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health problem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topic majority of customers stood with their physical powerful opening on top of should they smoke cigarette be supposed to be permitted inside a public place. The public has recognized to people resolve yourself in understanding behavior, whether they believe is not unsafe otherwise. Also they ban smoking inside public places might disagree that people should not hang round people like smoke cigarette include having self discipline. Furthermore ban smoking public places can affect economic trouble inside the business because bars, cafes, and restaurants being in public places take inside smoker. Also reduce within customers, outcome during refuse income. Furthermore its good idea to ban smoking public places would improve control the unsafe toxin in our air implement the bylaw in all places would be hard and boring to keep an eye on. The majority Americans include the ability to decide wherever theyââ¬â¢d like to use them free instance. Though situations becauseShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?941 Words à |à 4 Pagesindividuals get older they try to cope with the stresses of everyday life by continuing to smoking. It makes them feel more relaxed and at ease. Whatever the reason is, it is a hard habit to break once one starts. For many smokers today it is getting hard to find a place to smoke. Comedians joke about going to another planet just to light up. Smoking should be banned in public places because smoking is just as bad for non smokers as it is for smokers. The effects of secondhand smoke orRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?864 Words à |à 4 PagesSmoking is one of the practices which is considered highly dangerous to our health because it impacts the smoker and the people around them. There are approximately one billion smokers. Smoking is a big issue that the nonsmoker faces. For example, when the smokers smoke in public places like restaurants, universities and other public places it hurts the non-smoker. The non-smoker breathing the cigarette, marijuana or hookah smoke from the smoker do both of them are breathing toxic chemicals. In aRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned Public Places?885 Words à |à 4 Pagesday I walk into public place with a friend right away we sat down to eat, we were having a conversation later we smell cigarette smoke in the air. I start coughing from the smell of smoke. I also notice a lot of customers who like eating dinner at a public place smoking cigarette. Smoking is a big health pr oblem I feel it is not fair to take away cigarette for people who smoke in American who desire smoke cigarette. Even thought the same as the concession is able to be taking place on this topicRead MoreSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned Essay474 Words à |à 2 PagesSmoking in Public Places Should Be Banned I feel very strongly that smoking in public places should be banned. I will list my reasons for my thinking below and explain why I think this. I cannot stand walking down a street behind someone who is smoking. Every time they exhale I then have to walk into a cloud of their smoke. My clothes smell, because they have been saturated with the smoke, it gets into my hair too. It also affects my health. It was found that sevenRead MoreEssay on Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned463 Words à |à 2 PagesSmoking In Public Places Should Be Banned There should be rules enforced for smoking in public places. Smokers just do not know the negative influence they are spreading. A puff of cigarette can harm a smokers health. When I go to a restaurant I do not like to leave smelling like smoke. It is the same going to a garbage dump, and smelling like garbage. I am not a smoker, and I cannot stand having the stench of smoke on my clothes. The smell of smoke is not harmful, but secondhand smoke isRead MoreSmoking Should be Banned in Public Places Essays1464 Words à |à 6 PagesDuring the past few decades it has come to light that smoking kills. The federal government mandates that every pack of cigarettes carry a warning on it that smoking can lead to health problems including death. But the messages are rather clinical, for example: ââ¬Å"Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.â⬠Smoking is a danger to oneââ¬â¢s own health but there is now evidence that smoking can affect others as well. Second hand smoke has been shown to cause cancerRead MoreEssay Smoking Should NOT Be Banned in Public Places730 Words à |à 3 PagesSmoking Should Not Be Banned in Restaurants à à à à à In the perfect situation, smoking policy would be set by bar or restaurant owners, and customers would patronize the establishments with the policy they prefer. Customers would decide-without the governments help-if they want to avoid smoke-filled rooms or enter them. They might even choose to sit in an area sectioned off for smokers or non-smokers, but the ultimate issue is choice (Ruwart 1). When the government starts telling restaurantRead MoreEssay about Smoking In Public Places Should be Banned766 Words à |à 4 Pages Do you mind people smoking around you in public places? According to the pro-smoking group Air Initiative 7 in 10 of you do. Do you think it is fair to discriminate against smokers, forcing them to stand outside and smoke? On the other hand is it fair that non-smokers should have to inhale second hand smoke which can dame their health? (Do you support this ban or do you oppose it?) Personally I oppose it as I believe that non-smokers shouldnâ⬠â¢t be subjected to a smoky environment on a night out.Read MoreNationwide Smoking Ban: Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places899 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe public about its dangers in 1972 (Schick Glantz, 2005). Do people knowingly have the right to put othersââ¬â¢ health at risk? No, they do not. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a public health risk. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places, nationwide. There has been no attempt to impose a national smoking ban by the U.S. government. All current bans are in place because of state and local legislation. Americans for Nonsmokersââ¬â¢ Rights lists the various state and local smoking lawsRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words à |à 5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internet
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